Forward your Microsoft Outlook emails to your cell phone or other email address...
Email Forwarder will selectively forward your Microsoft Outlook email messages to one or more remote email addresses, or to your cell phone. It requires no configuration (other than telling it where to forward your messages), and it even works through corporate firewalls. You can also create custom filters to selectively forward messages based on the sender or message text. For example, if you are expecting an important email from a particular person, then you can set Email Forwarder to forward all emails received from them to your cell phone. Email Forwarder can help you stay in touch while you are away.
Operating Systems Supported: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Server 2023, Server 2016, Server 2012
Frequently Asked Questions
(1) How does Email Forwarder work?
Email Forwarder runs on your PC and uses Microsoft Outlook automation to check your Outlook inbox and forwards messages. It forwards messages to the email address and/or cell phone that you specify. You need to have your PC running for Email Forwarder to be forwarding your messages.
(2) Do I need Microsoft Outlook in order to use Email Forwarder?
Yes, you need Microsoft Outlook. Outlook needs to be installed and setup on your PC, but it does not have to be actively running. Email Forwarder starts up an instance of Outlook via automation if Outlook is not currently running.
(3) Can Email Forwarder forward my message through a corporate firewall?
Yes, it can do this because Email Forwarder runs on your PC and operates just as if you were forwarding the email yourself.
(4) Can I specify that only certain messages be forwarded?
Yes, you can specify that only messages from certain recipients, or messages that contain certain key phrases be forwarded. It is easy to setup these filters.
(5) How do I forward messages to a cell phone?
It is simple. Enter the cell phone email address, and then select the Email Forwarder's cell phone option (to limit unnecessary text from messages to conserve space. NOTE: Consult your cell phone service provider to find out what fees they charge for receiving text messages on your cell phone.
(6) How can I find out what my cell phone email address is?
There is an easy way to do this. First, add your regular email address to your contact list on your cell phone. Next, send a text message from your phone to the contact email address that you just entered. Last, check your regular email, open the email sent from your phone and see the phone email address in the 'From' section of the email.